Common Mistakes People Make When Buying Mobility Devices

By Dons Medical Equipment |


Purchasing a mobility device is an excellent way to help a person with a physical disability regain independence and boost their morale. However, buying mobility equipment can be a little tricky as you not only need to consider the disabilities of the person but also need to find a product that suits the person’s requirements.

Apart from taking into consideration the person with the disability, there are a few other factors that must also be considered. Unfortunately, all too often we see clients making questionable choices that they later regret.

As experts in the field, we want to help you ensure you enjoy a pleasurable purchasing experience and the benefits of using a mobility device. To help you do so, Don’s Medical Equipment has listed two of the most common mistakes people make when buying mobility devices.

1. Not planning how to transport a product once it’s purchased.

Often people purchase a mobility device but don’t plan how they will transport it to the location it is required. At other times, they hire the first person they come across and end up with a damaged product. If you know you are going to be transporting a mobility scooter or power chair, you need to contact a professional that can help you determine how the vehicle can be shipped.  

2. Buying a product online.

Often, people see a scooter or power chair online and buy it not knowing that it will be very hard to get service when it breaks down. And, let’s face it, it will break down at some point. There are industry leaders, and then there are those other guys. Don’t buy something because it looks good on the internet. You need to consider multiple aspects before making a purchase. For example, where will you get it fixed if something goes wrong or where you can get spare parts or a replacement.

To help you steer clear of these errors and take advantage of the best mobility devices, reach out to Don’s Medical Equipment. As factory-authorized technicians in Temple, Texas, we will help you repair and buy wheelchairs, power chairs, lift chairs, mobility scooters across Temple, Waco, Bryan-College Station, Georgetown, Killeen, Copperas Cove, Lampasas, and Kempner, Texas. We have been in this business for more than two and a half decades and pride ourselves on ensuring that we meet our clients’ needs.

To learn more about how we can help you, please click here. If you have any questions about mobility devices, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us here

